Season 1 Episode 14: Why We Left America: Chech and Devione's Search For...Self.


Hey this is Chech and this is Devione — we’re two friends who met in China who interview other black people who see beyond the American dream. This week's episode will kick off a three-part series that explores the stories of Chech and Devione, the host of The Buddy Pass. You've heard hours of interviews with other people but you haven't heard our stories. So, by popular demand, that's what you'll hear over the next three episodes. You'll learn: The personal struggles that led us to leave the United States.Why one of us believes Africa is where Black people can find themselves and why one of us don't (you'll be surprised who thinks what)Also, why Beyonce's Black is King is crucial to why we left (yes, it just came out, but the themes PREACH!)Hope you enjoy it! If you enjoy this episode or know someone who would also enjoy it, don't be stingy -- please, pay it forward then subscribe to The Buddy Pass to never miss a new episode.


Season 1 Episode 15: Why Chech and Devione Stayed Abroad for (Collectively) 10+ Years!


Season 1 Episode 13: Black Exodus: Entrepreneur, Tré Bacon, shares Why Black Expats Are Leaving America Again