Season 1 Episode 15: Why Chech and Devione Stayed Abroad for (Collectively) 10+ Years!


Why would anyone pick up and leave their home to move abroad...for 5 years?!

In this week's episode, we bring your Part 2 of a 3-part series that explores the lives and travel stories of co-host Chech and Devione. In Part 1, they shared the personal struggles that led them to leave the U.S. (if you haven't listened to that episode yet, I suggest you have a listen before diving into Part 2. It's pretty dope.) 

In Part 2, this week's episode, you'll learn why they stayed abroad for collectively 10+ years despite challenges with their families, jobs, and their futures. You'll learn why they stayed and built lives despite:

• Not Feeling Supported by Family and Friends

• Realizing their first jobs were scams

• Knowing that they wouldn’t be abroad forever

Hope you enjoy it!

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Season 1 Episode 16: Moving Back to America and Why We’re Ready To Leave Again


Season 1 Episode 14: Why We Left America: Chech and Devione's Search For...Self.