Emotional Turbulence: The Unseen Psychological Aspects of Being in the Travel Industry

By Gentamu ( Jen) McKinney 

Have you ever followed your favorite travel expat, digital nomad, and/or travel influencer green with envy, drooling over their beautiful and picture-perfect esthetics, wishing you were there? Well, baby, let me tell you, as an expat and mental health professional who counsels expats, digital nomads, and travel industry professionals, I'm here to tell you all the glitter is not gold. 

Although being a digital nomad, expat, or travel influencer can be an exciting and adventurous lifestyle, it also comes with unseen psychological aspects, including emotional turbulence. So, let's lift the veil on the glitz and glamour and venture into the enchanting world of behind-the-scenes (BTS) moments.

Social media tends to showcase the highlights and the glamorous aspects of a digital nomad, expat, or travel industry professional's life, often leaving out the behind-the-scenes (BTS) reality. Going beyond the jet lag, visa hassles, flight delays, occasional bank card thefts, and existential dilemmas, Here are some critical psychological aspects to consider along with some solutions if you find yourself struggling with these topics :

  1. Loneliness and Isolation

    Constantly moving to new places and being away from friends and family can lead to loneliness and isolation. Establishing deep and meaningful connections can be challenging when your social circle is constantly changing.

  2. Identity and Belonging

    Frequent travel and exposure to different cultures can lead to a sense of identity confusion. Digital nomads and expats may struggle to find a sense of belonging or a place they can call home, as they often live between different countries and cultures.

  3. Uncertainty and Instability

    The uncertainty of not having a stable job, income, or living situation can lead to anxiety and stress. A consistent routine can make planning for the future and setting long-term goals easier.

  4. Burnout

    Constantly being on the move and trying to capture the perfect travel content for social media can lead to burnout. The pressure to maintain an image of constant adventure and excitement can be emotionally draining. Behind those breathtaking travel photos and videos, significant stress and pressure can exist to support an exciting online presence.

    The need to constantly create content, find Wi-Fi for work, and deal with logistical challenges can lead to emotional stress and burnout.

  5. Financial Stress

    Not all travel industry professionals have limitless financial resources. Many must carefully budget, save, and sacrifice to sustain their lifestyles. Economic insecurity or the pressure to appear financially secure can be a significant source of anxiety. Managing finances as a digital nomad or travel influencer can be challenging. Irregular income, currency exchange fluctuations, and the high cost of travel can lead to financial stress and insecurity.

  6. Lack of Privacy

    Being in the public eye as a travel influencer can lead to a lack of privacy. It can be emotionally taxing to constantly share your life and experiences with an online audience, leading to a feeling of being watched continuously.

  7. Imposter Syndrome

    Many travel influencers and digital nomads feel like impostors, questioning their online personas' worth and authenticity. This can lead to feelings of self-doubt and insecurity.

  8. Cultural Adaptation

    Adapting to different cultures and customs can be challenging. Language barriers, cultural misunderstandings, and adapting to local norms can lead to frustration and stress.

  9. Health and Safety Concerns

    Traveling to unfamiliar places can pose health and safety risks. Dealing with medical issues or safety concerns in a foreign country can be emotionally taxing.

  10. Relationship Struggles

    Maintaining romantic or platonic relationships can be challenging when constantly on the move. Long-distance relationships or the inability to spend quality time with loved ones can lead to emotional turbulence.

    Now that we have gone over some of the issues, here are some solutions and strategies to address the psychological challenges faced by digital nomads, ex-pats, and travel influencers:

1. Loneliness and Isolation:

  • Join online and local communities: Connect with other travelers, expats, or like-minded individuals through social media groups and forums. This can help you find companionship and share experiences. There are several FB and WhatsApp groups, along with

  • Prioritize relationships: Make an effort to maintain and nurture relationships with family and friends, even from afar. Regular video calls and messages help reduce feelings of isolation.

2. Identity and Belonging:

  • Embrace cultural immersion: Instead of feeling lost in a new culture, take the opportunity to immerse yourself in local customs and traditions. This can help you develop a sense of belonging within different cultures.

  • Define your values: Reflect on your core values and what truly matters. This can provide a sense of continuity in your identity.

3. Uncertainty and Instability:

  • Financial planning: Create a budget and savings plan to ensure financial stability. Consider having an emergency fund to handle unexpected expenses.

  • Set goals: While embracing a flexible lifestyle, set achievable short-term and long-term goals to provide a sense of direction and purpose.

4. Burnout:

  • Prioritize self-care: Take breaks, rest when needed, and avoid overloading your schedule. Ensure that your travel experiences are enjoyable and more than just about work.

  • Authenticity: Be honest with your audience about the realities of travel, including the ups and downs, to reduce the pressure of constant excitement.

5. Financial Stress:

  • Diversify income streams: Explore multiple sources of income, such as freelance work, remote jobs, or investments, to create financial stability.

  • Budget wisely: Monitor your spending and prioritize your expenses. Use budgeting apps and financial planning tools to stay on top of your finances.

6. Lack of Privacy:

  •  Set boundaries: Decide on the level of privacy you're comfortable with and maintain boundaries between your public and private life.

  • Take digital detox breaks: Periodically disconnect from social media and your online persona to recharge and enjoy personal time.

7. Imposter Syndrome:

  • Self-reflection: Acknowledge your accomplishments and remind yourself of your skills and expertise. Understand that it's normal to have moments of self-doubt.

  • Seek support: Discuss your feelings with close friends, mentors, or a therapist who can provide guidance and encouragement.

8. Cultural Adaptation:

  •    Learn the basics: Familiarize yourself with local customs, language basics, and cultural norms before visiting a new place.

  • Be open-minded: Approach cultural differences with curiosity and respect. Embrace the opportunity to learn and grow from these experiences.

9. Health and Safety Concerns

  • Prepare and research: Research the destination's health and safety guidelines before traveling. Carry necessary medications, insurance, self-defense tools, mental health tools, and emergency contact information.

  • Stay connected: Share your itinerary with a trusted friend or family member, and regularly check in with someone when you're in a new location.

10. Relationship Struggles

  • Communication is key: Maintain open and honest communication with your loved ones. Discuss expectations, plan visits, and set aside quality time for those you care about.

  • Be flexible: Be willing to adapt and compromise to sustain your relationships, whether through long-distance arrangements or shared travel experiences.

And it's essential to remember that everyone's journey is unique. To cope with these psychological challenges, digital nomads, ex-pats, and travel influencers must prioritize self-care, seek support from like-minded communities, and consider professional help that is familiar or specializes in the industry.  Developing a solid support system, establishing routines, and practicing mindfulness can also help manage the emotional baggage and turbulence associated with these lifestyles and tailoring these solutions to your specific needs and circumstances. It's essential to balance the excitement of travel with the need for emotional well-being and stability. Please Seek professional guidance if you're struggling with persistent emotional challenges or mental health issues.



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