Season 2 Episode 01: Danielle Desir


Have you ever been in a position where you wanted to make a life-changing purchase like buying a car or a home, or maybe you’ve wanted to make a life-enhancing purchase like taking that group trip to Ghana with the homies (which really ends up being a solo trip because you know folks are noncommittal, talking bout “man I was waiting on you to tell me…) Anyway, anyway… you’ve probably wanted to make some huge change in your life that required money only to remember that, like many of us millennials, you’re saddled with student loan debt that makes it feel impossible to accomplish any of these dreams? 

Danielle Desir, a Haitian-American entrepreneur, is no different. When she looks back at her journey from $63000 in student debt and living with her mom, the determination to fulfill her dream trip to Paris puts her on a path to exceed her own expectations. 

Today, through her award-winning affordable travel and personal finance blog and podcast, Danielle is changing the lives of thousands of people by sharing her stories and tips on affordable travel, paying off debt, and building wealth while taking that dream trip they’ve always wanted.

When we spoke, she was in the Green Mountain State also known as Vermont, where she was vacationing with her husband and their dog Murphy, reflecting on her childhood travels to Haiti and sharing how $25 a day led her to her first trip in Paris despite having a massive amount of student debt...


Season 2 Episode 02: Traveling for Mental Wellness and Self Discovery


Season 1 Episode 16: Moving Back to America and Why We’re Ready To Leave Again